Sunday, March 12, 2017

Elizabeth's Third Birthday!!!

Little Lizzie turned three on Friday!!! I can't believe my baby is's so sad to think about but she is so much fun and such an amazing little girl! She is so funny and crazy and gets the cutest little mischevious look on her face when she's up to something. But she's also a pretty serious, reserved little thing. She's not super outgoing/talkative with people outside of her circle, which is where her reservedness kicks in. She is a pretty good talker though and is such a bossy little thing! If I tell the kids something, like don't go in the water at the beach, she is right behind me watching them and reminding them every time they get close. She loves her baby dolls and plays with them and her strollers pretty much every day. It's so cute to watch! If she's not playing with those she's following the other two around and doing whatever they are doing. Andrew and her are either at each other or getting along super well. Not much in between ;)

Let's see: Little Lizzie....well she loves her baby dolls, she loves Moana right now and Sing (the Mommy Pig is her favorite) and Trolls (she loves Princess Poppy). Sometimes she sings songs from the movies and it is soooo cute. She also still loves Frozen too. She still LOVES Chocolate and always knows when I'm having some without her. She also has a thing for butter and whenver we have bread or something she just eats the butter off of it and then asks for more and then eats that. She loves pasta. She loves to help me around the house. She is very set in her ways too- like I cannot open the car door for her...or shut it. I can't get her spoon or bowl for her in the morning or her yogurt. She has to do everything herself, that she can do. Stubborn little toddler ;) Sometimes it's good though- like she always wants to be the one to say prayer at night ;) She has to have the same routine at bedtime and she says the same things every night and has to same them before we can leave ;) She has to have her coat zipped up if she is wearing it. She's pretty picky with what she wears- she loves dresses and loves pink. She doesn't like me to do her hair, she likes her teacher Loli to do it ;) She still loves her belly button when she's tired and when I'm putting on pants or jammies or anything, if I pull it above her belly button she automatically pulls it down below it. She is fully potty trained now and has been for awhile, which has been AWESOME. She was so darn easy to do compared to the other two! She still is the only kid that will eat green olives and she still loves pickles.

Here's some pics of my girls throughout the past year! She's grown so much! No baby-ness left at all now :(

Here's some pics from her Birthday Party! She wanted a Trolls theme so I made this headband troll hair things for them to wear. they were super cute! And they had so much fun with them! It was a pretty simple party though- just invited her two friends over, ate pizza and cupcakes, and the kids played!

And here's some pics I took of her last week for her birthday! She is such a gorgeous little thing!

After the more "formal/traditional" pics, I did something fun with her and did a "painting session"! She looved it! And she did so well with it! She sat there and painted the whole canvas so steady and focused! It was such a beautiful day too so I sat there and took pics and watched and enjoyed the weather. :)

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