Friday, September 19, 2014

Elizabeth {6 months}

I know this post is a bit late but better late than never right? Well as you can see Little Miss Lizzie is 6 months old! She's getting to be such a big girl and is just so much fun!!! She had a very eventful month but here's some "facts" about the cutie first!

At her 6 month appointment she weighed 19 lbs and was 28.25 in long. She's in the 90% for weight and 97% for height! Big girl! She's chewing on everything and loves to play. She started to be able to sit up with no support, which she loves, and is getting better and better at staying up longer. At least til her brother knocks her down :/ :/ :/ that boy....She kinda gives kisses now- she'll come at you with her mouth wide open and just slobber all probably more of a "I wanna chew/put everything in my mouth" kinda deal but I'll call them kisses ;) She got a little spoiled on our Europe Trip (Details to come soon promise!) and for a while afterwards needed constant contact to fall asleep. She likes to be touching me-usually my hand- while she's falling asleep. She liked it before we left but it got worse during/after and is finally getting a little better about it. She does NOT like to have anything by her feet while she's falling asleep/or is asleep...she'll kick and move and wake herself up/sleep badly. Her other big new skill is she can get up on her hands and knees and she'll rock back and forth! She's so close to crawling it's crazy! eek!

just being cute at church :)

crazy sweaty baby hair! 

she found her reflection one day and was so fascinated!

before our trip she got a little trim...had to get rid of the mullet she had going on!!! :)

On to Lizzie's big adventures! We left the big kids with cousin Carmen and went off to Europe to see Daddy in Germany. She enjoyed a nice week being an only child...probably one of the only times she'll experience that in her life ;) She was carried around in her pack carrier and saw lots of castles and mountains and beautiful scenery. She slept a lot in the carrier and therefore got used to having me right next to her while sleeping.. :) It was nice to have some one on one time with her though! She's such a sweet little thing and getting more fun every day! She loved getting some alone time with her daddy too! It was a lot of fun to be with him for a week and tour a new country! 

playing on the plane! She was actually pretty good for our trips!

she fell asleep EVERY time we were in line to board though

precious little dolly touring castles! :)

She was so happy to see her daddy :)

going up the mountain! it was super cloudy :)

more daddy time 

had to wear an Alabama outfit once while we were there 

pretzel time! YUM!

she liked to play with it instead of eat it 

After we left Mark :( we took a little flight up to Norway to see my bestie Sarah and Lizzie's bestie Olive! It was a lot of fun to see them and see another new country. Bergen was gorgeous and so quaint and I loved it! Sarah and I carried these two cuties around and spent a lot of time just hanging out! It was wonderful! 

baby besties! 

double besties :) view of Bergen

me and my girl!

checking out some fjords :)

they were soooo funny together! neither have really been around other babies

funny shopping cart :)

mustache baby! 

And here's some pics from after our big trip!

how cuuuute is this headband! I really should find it :)

cute little babies in the morning!

sadly we when we got back from our trip Carmen left us :( we were so sad to see her go!

baby girl getting up on her knees!

and baby girl sitting up!!! 

beach day!

after our big trip my friends Maria and Whitney came to visit! Lizzie loved Maria :)

adorable baby butt! :)

big girl at 6 months!!!

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