Saturday, January 10, 2015

Elizabeth {10 months}

Happy first post of 2015! My sweet little angel baby is 10 months old today! Elizabeth is still the most adorable little thing ever and I adore seeing her happy little smile every day! Her little smile just lights up the room and I love getting her to laugh, which is even cuter!  She is getting a little more independent and knows what she wants know so she's starting to shine through with some attitude :) She mostly throws a little fit when she wants food :) She loves real food now and is getting so big! and she has SIX teeth now! She had two on the bottom before 9 months and then one weekend popped 3 at once and 1 more later! Crazy girl :)

She really hasn't changed too much from last month...she's still cruising around the house all cute and plays and is so good! She follows the kids and wants to play with them all the time still. She goes down for naps and bed really well but is still only ok sleeping at night. She's a pro at standing up and getting down by herself and is getting more sturdy...but she doesn't really walk along things yet so I'm hoping she keeps putting it off til Mark gets home! :)

She is getting so smart too and starting to repeat/copy people more...a lot of sounds and some actions too. I was saying "go, go, go" one day and she started making "guh, guh, guh" sounds and if you say "ba, ba, ba" she'll say that too. :) She loves to clap and recently learned to wave "bye" when you say "bye". She hates having things in her hair now and pulls bows and headbands off. She pulls her socks off all the time too.

She is so sweet though and despite her want to play, play, play, she'll randomly come over and rest her head on my knee or if I'm holding her she'll rest her head on my shoulder for a little cuddle :) Love her!

her fiesty face :)

this is when I saw that she had three new teeth!

here she was throwing herself into the pillows and getting up and doing it again :) 

showing down on some fried bread! :)

first time playing in the bath tub! SHE LOVED it! It was SO CUTE! She was laughing so hard at Andrew!

This is how she always has her feet when she eats :)

Just playing around one night :) 

10 months!

I just love this little girl so much and can't imagine life without her! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas {2015}

After Mark left, well we didn't really do too much...that I can remember anyway :) I'm completely unreliable right now with remembering anything...even worse than my normal :) Evelyn did have her Christmas recital though, which she did super good in! Her and her bestie Ellie are so adorable together!

I had my backdrop set up for Lizzie's 9 month pictures (which I still need to finish editing :) and Andrew jumped in so I took a couple of him too :) Then some Christmas ones in front of the tree! :)

Opening Christmas Eve jammies!

Leaving cookies for Santa!

Christmas morning! I tried to keep Andrew from coming down so I could get Mark on Skype but he rushed down so quick and started ripping into presents! I got Mark on quick though and he was able to watch all the kids open their presents, yay for Skype!

Evelyn waited patiently for her turn, which didn't take too long since Andrew was so quick :)

Little Lizzie of course wasn't too sure of what to do but she was cute playing around with everyone's wrapping paper and trying to get into her box. :)

She loves to clap :)

She was so happy skyping with daddy! :)
These pics are from my wonderful family showed some love and sent us packages to open up every day leading up to Christmas! The kids had fun opening them and I felt a lot of love just getting stuff in the mail! :)

All dressed up for Church the Sunday before Christmas!

 Christmas morning breakfast fried bread! YUM!

Baby's first fried bread!

So we had a pretty low key Christmas at home but it was nice...the kids had fun opening presents and playing with new stuff and I just sat back and watched and ate yummy food :) It's been a long break home all alone but we've started getting ready for our move (well me anyway...trying to declutter a house after three years...sheesh! it's taking me a while). But anyway, it was a good Christmas but I'm excited for next year when Mark will be with us and we'll be in Spain! :)