Monday, September 27, 2010

Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits

So now that I am out of the BYU bubble and out of Utah, I have been making friends of the non-Mormon kind :) Now I've made some really great friends, two in particular, who have been a bit interested in the Mormon's, which I'm totally fine with people asking questions but I SUCK at it. I'm horrible at trying to explain things and religious things just seem to be even harder.

So I remembered a talk from one of our General Conferences that was geared toward people who are curious about the church but don't want to be bombarded with missionaries and an overload of info. So it took me a while to find this talk cuz I just could NOT find it, but finally a couple weeks ago I did! I know not all of my readers are Mormon's so I thought I'd share it with you all and if you are a member then this is a very helpful talk for the curious non-members out there! Now this isn't the whole talk, just the part Elder Ballard had geared toward these curious people. Oh, and this is from November 2007 so some of the numbers are probably different now but I"m not gonna go change them.


Some facts might include:

  • First, “Mormon” is a nickname for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members are often referred to as “Mormons,” “Latter-day Saints,” or “LDS.” The term “Saint” means “member.”
  • Second, the Church was restored in 1830 in upstate New York with Joseph Smith as its first prophet and president. Today it is headquartered in Salt Lake City, with President Gordon B. Hinckley as the present prophet. **(This talk is a few years old and President Hinckley has since passed on and now President Thomas S. Monson is our current prophet.)**
  • Third, there are now over 13 million members in 176 countries and territories. About 6 million of these are in the United States, making us the fourth largest Christian denomination in America. As one of the fastest growing Christian faiths in the world, we complete a new chapel every working day. Members pay a tithe, which is 10 percent of their income, making this and other programs possible.
  • Fourth, local congregations are led by volunteer, unpaid members. Both men and women serve in assigned leadership positions.
  • And fifth, Mormons are well represented in politics and government. (In the United States, for example, there are 16 members in Congress, from both political parties.) Members also serve in high and trusted positions throughout the world in business, medicine, law, education, media, sports, and entertainment.


Next, people need to know something of our faith as committed Christians with strong traditional values. Along with the Articles of Faith we need to emphasize that:

  • We believe in the eternity of the soul, that God is the Father of our spirits, and that we can return to Him after death.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is our personal Savior, and we try to model our lives after Him and His teachings. We commemorate Christ’s atoning sacrifice in our Sunday worship services, similar to taking communion in other churches. We accept as fellow Christians all who believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and the Savior of all mankind. Many Christians do not understand that we have much common ground with them. Joseph Smith taught that Jesus Christ is the core of our belief, and everything else is an appendage to it (see Elders’ Journal, July 1838, 44). The name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • We believe the original church that Jesus established was lost and has been restored again in our day. The priesthood, the authority given to man to act in the name of God, with apostles and a prophet to lead us, has been restored as have all necessary ordinances of salvation.
  • We believe in and we use the Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testaments.
  • And we believe in the Book of Mormon and other books of scripture which support and authenticate the Bible and testify of the ministry and divinity of Christ and of God’s ongoing revelation to man. Indeed, the Book of Mormon is “Another Testament of Jesus Christ.”


The next thing it is good for people to know is how family-centered our theology and our lifestyles are. Once again, simple statements are helpful to someone who is uninformed but curious about the importance we place on families.

  • Mormons place particularly strong emphasis on family as the basic unit of the Church and of society. We have a deep commitment to marriage (defined as a union between one man and one woman). Polygamy, a limited practice in the early pioneer days of the Church, was discontinued in 1890, some 117 years ago.
  • Families and individuals, whether members of our faith or not, can attend Sunday services in our chapels. Here we worship together, instructing one another from the scriptures.
  • Latter-day Saint families are encouraged to hold family home evenings weekly, usually on Monday nights. This provides a regular and predictable time for parents to teach values to their children and to have fun together. We invite those not of our faith to adopt this practice with their own families.
  • The Church has auxiliary programs for women, youth, and children as a support to the family. These programs provide such things as religious instruction, opportunities for Christian service, sports, drama, music, and Scouting.
  • And there is also much focus on extended family, genealogy, and personal family history, providing young and old with a stronger sense of roots, identity, and belonging. The highest and most sacred ordinances of our faith relate to our families, both living and dead, and some of these ordinances take place in our temples.


Now, even as someone begins to understand a few facts about us and comes to know us more accurately by our faith and the importance of family, it was the Savior who said “by theirfruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20; emphasis added). A church, or any way of life, should be judged by the fruits or the results that it generates. Here are a few examples based on United States statistics. But these would be similar throughout the world among practicing Mormons (by which we mean those who attend church and the temple regularly):

  • One of the fruits is a longer life. Studies show that practicing Mormons are healthier and therefore live longer than the national average. In 1833 the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith the Word of Wisdom, which is the way to live in order to enjoy a long and healthy life.
  • Second, those who are married in and attend the temple regularly have a divorce rate far below the national and world average.
  • Third, we achieve an educational level that is higher than the national average.
  • Fourth, over 70,000 members volunteer at their own expense to serve for 18 to 24 months in humanitarian efforts, Church service assignments, and full-time missionary service throughout the world.
  • And fifth, we place strong emphasis on self-reliance and a solid work ethic. We encourage active involvement in our communities and in providing service to others. The Church continues to donate substantial money, goods, and services to humanitarian causes around the globe, including untold hours of labor donated by members to assist in disaster cleanup and relief."

Another recommendation Elder Ballard gives for the curious is sharing the Articles of Faith with them. says, "The Articles of Faith outline 13 basic points of belief of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Prophet Joseph Smith first wrote them in a letter to John Wentworth, a newspaper editor, in response to Mr. Wentworth's request to know what members of the Church believed. They were subsequently published in Church periodicals. They are now regarded as scripture and included in the Pearl of Great Price."

"The Articles of Faith

of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

  2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

  3. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

  4. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

  5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

  6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

  7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

  8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

  9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

  10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

  11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

  12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

  13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

So anywho, I just thought I'd share these few things. They've been on my mind for awhile so I had to get it all out and this seemed to be a good way! :) I'll just end with that I believe these things to be true with all my heart and I believe in the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Today is such a special one, it's birthday time for you!

My computer had a slight issue that needed to be taken care of so it's being worked on and I'm left using my neighbor's computer to check my email and such. Good thing she likes me and doesn't mind me coming over once a day to do that! So I know I've been horrible at posting since we've got here but it's still gonna be a little while longer!

Today is Mark's birthday so we got him a few gifts and are going out with a couple of our neighbors for dinner Then we're coming home to dessert which just happens to be a yummy looking cheesecake that is sitting in my fridge. It's not my best looking cheesecake but hopefully it tastes good!

This week also happens to be premiere week on most TV channels and my all time favorite show premieres tonight, House, which I'm going to miss because I love my husband so much! :) And since I have no computer I can't watch it online either...I must really love him... :) Anywho....Evelyn is doing great, ALMOST walking and ALMOST her birthday too! I'm so excited to have a party for her! It's going to be so much fun!

Well once I get my computer back I'll be posting more..I have LOTS of pics to show!

Friday, September 3, 2010

"The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face."

Well I still don't have pics of our house or anything but I figured I should post something since it's been awhile. So this is just some fun pics of Evelyn from the past week or so!

Putting on Momma's shoes!

She LOVES playing with my shoes and trying to put them on, so cute!

My beautiful happy girl!

Her first pony tails!

I've only put them in once but I had to try! Her hair is getting longer in the back and these looked so cute!

Playing peek-a-boo in the car!

Silly girl!!

Watching kids play outside in the rain, she wanted to play so bad!

This is her new face, she does this lopsided thing with her lips, pretty funny!

We've been doing pretty good here so far. The house is pretty much put together, except some stuff upstairs. Evelyn is doing much better sleeping so I'm getting more sleep which is great. Mark is almost done with his class here and will report to his battalion soon. He's been doing some shooting in his class and got expert on the pistol and the rifle so he's doing very well in that. As for me, I've been taking care of Evelyn, doing last minute things on the house, starting to paint Evelyn's room which is going to be SOOO cute! And we've been hanging out with our neighbors a lot, well two of them mainly.

Two of the wives I met in California live right on our street so we see them a lot, it's so great! They really are great girls and I'm so glad we're near each other. Yesterday we went to the birthday party of my friend G's (she's a little more cautious over all this internet stuff so no pics of them or anything so I'll just use their initials :) little girl, V, who just turned two. She LOVES Mickey Mouse so we had a Mickey themed party and me and my other friend, Morgan, made a Mickey cake for her. Morgan made the cake and icing and I decorated it with a little help from her husband :) It was so fun though! We want to take a cake class together but she works a lot so I'm not sure if that will pan out but it would be fun!

Anywho, since we have a three day weekend we are headed up to Huntsville to see Michael and Jessica again so we're way excited! Hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend!