So there's really not too much big going on at the moment in the lives of the Erwins and since I mostly blog about bigger things, I haven't blogged anything. But I have some very impatient nieces who say that I need to do more. I didn't know I was so popular with them :) I think they just miss me, I mean, I AM their favorite aunt. Anyway, so I thought that I might just do a blog and update y'all about the little things and some questions that I've been getting a lot lately.
So first of all, I'll start with the pregnancy stuff. I am feeling pretty great, I haven't had any morning sickness or the like since that first incident, which I don't mind one bit and hope and pray it stays this way. I'm not having hardly any outer symptoms really but I'm sure those will come soon enough. I'm just waiting anxiously for my first appointment and all that, for right now it sometimes still feels somewhat unreal cuz there's hardly any symptoms, but don't worry...I am pregnant....really. Mark has been reading my "What to expect when you're expecting" although he hasn't said too much about it yet. He is very excited about the baby though. He thinks its a girl along with some of my sisters and my mom and I hope they're all right. My brother found out today that his girlfriend is having a boy so I think we need another girl to even the scales out on boys vs. girls. Or catch up anyway, right now with it's 9 to 6, with the boys in the lead (this is the total for all the grandkids on my side btw). SO I think I need a girl. :)
Lets is going well for both Mark and I. I wish it was over though. And so does Mark but he's almost done (he graduates in Dec). I still have no clue when I'll finish, but don't worry, I will! It just might take me longer... :) This month is a bit busy with school because midterms start and last pretty much all throughout the month. Such fun! I do like my classes though, they are all pretty good but they are all really, really long. The shortest one I have is 1 1/2 hours and the longest is 2 1/2 hours. ugh. NOT cool. But most are only one day a week so I guess I can't complain too much...Mark is taking more classes than me and they're mostly all upper division engineering classes so he's having lots of fun with that :) I'm definitely not jealous of his work load. He's doing good though He actually studies more than I do, I procrastinate of course, although almost all of my homework is just reading and although I am a Fast reader, textbooks just can't be read like that...
I did recently buy a new book, although it is for my sister Annie, but I wanted to read it before I sent it to her. It's called "Farworld: Water Keep" by J. Scott Savage, who I actually got to meet and had him sign Annie's copy. Mark and I were wasting time and went into Deseret Book at the mall and he was sitting there with a stack of the first book in the series and I remembered seeing a blogpost on Annie's blog one day a long while back about this book so I called her up and asked her if she wanted a signed copy (it was 50%, yay!) and of course she did. He was really nice and the book was way awesome and I can't wait for the next one in the series but that won't come out forever...I hate that. Annie and I were talking about how we would rather find out about a good book series when the last one was coming out, rather than the first cuz then you have to wait long periods in between for the next ones. But oh well, they'll be worth it. I think I might have to go back to Deseret book and get myself a copy though :) I love reading!
Another series I am reading right now is the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke. The third one just came out but I haven't made it to the store yet to get it. They are really good books though, they even just made a movie based on Inkheart (which is the first book) which has Brendan Fraser. I really want to see it but yet again, haven't made it to the theater to actually watch it. Oh, and while I'm on the subject of books, my most favorite author pretty much ever (I LOVE everything she's written), just came out with a new book as well. It's called "The Chalice" by Robin McKinley, which was also a great book. Now most of these series and such are more for a younger audience but I think they are the best books most of the time! I have a friend (Chelsea) who teaches elementary students so she's real up to date with all the good ones so I get most of my recommendations from her and from Annie. Thanks guys! :)
Well I guess on to more adult things...last night Mark and I met up with his Navy recruiter to sign some final papers and such. The committee still hasn't met yet to review the applications (they meet like next week or something) so we won't know for sure if he got in til the end of this month or very beginning of next month. So I've gotten a lot of questions recently about that so there's the answer, once again. I promise I'll let everyone know when we find out! I'm more anxious than any of you to find out so if I'm being patient (barely...) then so can you! :)
I'm trying to focus on little things this month to hopefully pass the time quicker. Which shouldn't be too hard cuz this month is pretty busy...first there's all the tests and homework and such that I have for school, then there's Valentine's day, then there's President's Day which we don't have school on (yay!) so I'm sure we'll try to do something fun that day, and then after that it's my birthday (YAY!) which I'm definitely sure we'll go do something for that...there's actually a lot of birthday's in February now. There used to be just me and now there's Ephraim and Jerica and me and my friend Maria and quite a few other people I know. Good month I say :) Also my work is getting busier which is good. So with all that going on I'm hoping February will fly by and then we'll find out!
So yeah...I think that's pretty much all I can think of for updating the little things...I guess it's back to textbook readings now! I've put them off long enough today...