Monday, August 23, 2010

This one's for Grammy!

Grammy has told me multiple times of when I was a wee one and would go in her room every day and take ALL the books off her book shelf. I say, why not just close the door? :) Anywho, here is one example of why Evelyn is just like me, and she is in so many ways, it's crazy!

Just look at that face! What a little stinker!!!

I guess she thinks sharing will change my mind about letting her take them all out....nope!

And she's done! And I'm left to clean up, ah the joys of being a mom!

1 comment:

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

The actual story is, she would put you down for a nap in her room, and you would wake up and wreak havoc. It wasn't a question of shutting a door or not, but you'd think she would have gotten wise after a while.