Monday, September 20, 2010

Today is such a special one, it's birthday time for you!

My computer had a slight issue that needed to be taken care of so it's being worked on and I'm left using my neighbor's computer to check my email and such. Good thing she likes me and doesn't mind me coming over once a day to do that! So I know I've been horrible at posting since we've got here but it's still gonna be a little while longer!

Today is Mark's birthday so we got him a few gifts and are going out with a couple of our neighbors for dinner Then we're coming home to dessert which just happens to be a yummy looking cheesecake that is sitting in my fridge. It's not my best looking cheesecake but hopefully it tastes good!

This week also happens to be premiere week on most TV channels and my all time favorite show premieres tonight, House, which I'm going to miss because I love my husband so much! :) And since I have no computer I can't watch it online either...I must really love him... :) Anywho....Evelyn is doing great, ALMOST walking and ALMOST her birthday too! I'm so excited to have a party for her! It's going to be so much fun!

Well once I get my computer back I'll be posting more..I have LOTS of pics to show!

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