The next part of our trip was Mississippi! My bestie Gwyn moved back a week or so before I got there (she was supposed to be earlier so don't think me too horrible for visiting a week after moving in!). Her husband got home sometime in August and they just got back to Mississippi awhile ago, which so jealous her hubby is home but also so happy! She had a little boy in January (her husband left before that but was able to come visit after he was born) so I'm so glad they are all together again :) we got to Mississippi on Thursday and stayed an entire week and it was fabulous! We had so much fun with them and I'm so glad we were able to visit! Evelyn loves Gwyn's kids, especially Langston and Veronika (the baby, Rhett...well Everett...isn't as exciting at the big kids yet....although he IS a big boy!!! He's one of the biggest babies I've seen/held...and boy is he heavy! I don't know how Gwyn does it! He's SO cute though!). Luckily they all get along pretty well...there were a couple instances but all kids have their moments.
I'm super glad they get along though because...awesome news here!...Gwyn and her hubby got orders to go to Camp Lejuene in North Carolina which is where we are going too!!!! We were so super duper excited when her husband found out while I was there! I was hoping so bad that they would and it's happening! It's pretty funny though...her husband and Mark both entered into the Navy at the same time..went to OCS together, were roommates for a bit, then we all went to CECOS in CA together, got stationed in Mississippi together (although different battalions), and now we are going to be stationed in NC together! So super happy!!!!
Anyway...back to the trip :) We didn't do a whole lot of exciting stuff but still had fun....we went to the beach once (gorgeous weather but a bit hot!), went to a splash pad twice (way fun! I wish more places had those!), played outside A LOT, went to the park A LOT, and hung out a lot! :) It was a great! Evelyn loved it, loved being in a bigger house and sleeping on an actual bed...although she did have a bit of a hard time with naps and wasn't too happy with me when I put her in bed and shut the door, can't do that here in MO! :) She lived though and took a nap which is what she needed so oh well!
I got to see some of my other friends while I was there too, which was great, and got to go on a couple "dates" with my other bestie, Chelsea! She stayed in MS and recently had a baby, Avery, SOOO cute! I took a few pics of her but also not done editing those...half way! :) Anyway, Chelsea and I went to dinner one night and then too a movie and had so much fun! She's taking classes right now and then just had the baby so she doesn't get out much so I was more than willing to be that excuse for her! She's so awesome and I'm excited to go back and be a bad friend and distract her from her studies :)
Let's see....there's not too much else to embellish on except talk about a yummy, yum dinner Gwyn and I made! I got this yummy baked potato soup recipe from "Our Best Bites" which we made and then I made some YUMMY pretzel rolls, which I've been wanting to make for awhile and they were so worth it! Oh my gosh yummy...seriously a must have.
So yeah! There's my awesome trip! Well except the Arkansas part but that's still being edited too....I have a LOT of pics to edit right now! So here's some more from MS!
Art project time!
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