Friday, September 14, 2012

"There is nothing like the blessing Of a bouncing, baby boy He will fill your home with energy And touch your heart with joy. He'll hug you and bug you And try you within But each precious memory You'll treasure again and again."

 Today my little boy is 4 weeks old! I can't believe it's already almost been a month! It really has flown by! Andrew is getting so big and is still super sweet and so good! He's had a couple bad nights but overall is doing really good sleeping...the past few nights he's only been waking up 2 times and is getting 2 good stretches of sleep, which is great for me! I hate when they do the "wake up every 2 hours" thing cuz then you're up in between and have to get back to sleep and before you know it they're awake again...not very restful. But he's a good boy and at least gives me a few nights with good sleep before doing one of those nights :)

Let's see...we haven't really been up to too much...I've been slacking quite a bit but we haven't quite got our "schedule/routine" set worked out with a new's starting to get better though and I've gotten a couple things done this week that weren't just basic clean up/do laundry/feed baby type of stuff :) those are down further though...anyway. I did take some more pics of sweet little Andrew, but only have gotten around to editing these few...didn't get exactly what I wanted til the end of the session and then he was waking up and getting cranky so I had to stop, darn it! :( I still got some cute ones though! how could I not with such a cute little boy? :)

I really want to get some of Mark and Andrew with Mark in his uniform bu haven't gotten around to it yet...hopefully soon before Andrew gets too big! :)

one of my favs :)

another fav! he's so sweet! 

trying out a little hat ;)

right before the end.. I wanted some more of him on his tummy but he got fussy :(

 The only other thing to "report" is about his two week appointment...which was actually the day before he was 3 weeks old but whatever :) He weighed a nice 10 1/2 lbs though! He's definitely a chunkier baby than Evelyn ever was, but he's also a better eater :) There's a lot of "porker" nicknames flying around for him right now :) Evelyn thinks it's hilarious when I call him "porker butt". :) silly girl....

little porker! 

Well I don't have much else to really ramble about so I'm just gonna go along with the pics from here on...

His cute little bowtie outfit that he wore to church! so adorable!

super bad pic from my phone but he was on his tummy and flipped over to his back right when I took this! he hasn't done it again but for 2-3 weeks old that was pretty good :)

love his little mouth! so sweet :)

Andrew LOVES to be outside! We've got on a lot of walks this past week cuz it's finally cooling down and actually pleasant! I swear he'd love to be outside all day if he's the quickest way to get him to calm down and go to sleep sometimes too! He falls asleep within minutes of going outside 95% of the time :)

a sweet little shot of him in the morning! he's gotten so much more smiley it! 

Evelyn is such a good big sister...granted half the time she doesn't have much to do with him but she loves talking to him and kissing his cute little head :) he loves to listen to her too :)
love this face of hers! :)
he's still a bit too squirmy for her though 

"watching" his first Bama game!

silly faces....

I adore his hair! it's so cute and soft and adorable :)

sweet tired boy!

and he's awake....

Last weekend we went to the beach for a little bit...the water was a bit rough but Andrew and I just sat under the umbrella and he slept the whole time and I chatted with my friend Morgan who came with us. Evelyn and Mark built sand castles the whole time :) great Saturday!

This past Monday Evelyn started her gymnastics class! It's every Monday for an hour and she LOVED it! 

She was so cute too! I have some video but haven't loaded it time I'll bring my real camera too and get some better quality pics :)

Yesterday I asked Evelyn to help me in the kitchen and her response was...hold on mom, I'm texting someone...oh boy.... :) Not even three years old and I'm getting the texting issue :)

Here's one of the projects I was able to do this week....didn't take long but that's alright! :) 

Another project! Evelyn wants to be Merida for halloween so I'm sprucing up her dress/outfit for it :)
I kinda winged the whole hooded cape thing cuz I could only find a size 6 pattern but it turned out really good! Can't wait for the whole outfit to be complete ;)
Then I also totally fixed her dress...I redid the bottom gold strip with better/sturdier fabric and completely redid the top...I took one of my old shirts again but this time used a pattern to make the top and did the square neck like Merida's actual dress...turned out MUCH better!
So cute!

My big project was to redo the front yard area! I really hated what the y put in the plant was so crowded and ugly and didn't make I re-arranged it a little bit, added some new mulch and the fencing, then hung up some hanging plants and our Navy thing
Since I took these I've taken out a couple more plants, one died, and added some mums. but looks so much better than before! We like to sit out on the porch pretty much everyday so I wanted something nice to look at ;)
We also hung up a hummingbird feeder because someone told us they had some come to their house and the very next day we saw 3 hummingbirds! Evelyn loves to watch for them. It took me forever to get this pic though...they're so fast! 


Stacey C. said...

Wow! Your boy really is adorable and big! Mine is three months and just barely hit 12 pounds, lol. I think that picture of him with Mark's hat is perfect. Love reading your blog

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Love all of the pictures. Thanks for sending me the pic of Ebbers and baby Andrew. I've got it clothespinned up in a frame with some of my other favorites. The Merida dress is even cuter, can't wait to see the pictures of her on Halloween.

Mom Erwin said...

Andrew is a darling baby and we are glad to seee these updated pictures. Enjoy the fall season there - it is usually so pleasant.