Thursday, January 17, 2013

Andrew {5 months!}

Well I'm a bit more organized for today's post...I always forget the things I want to say/report that he's done/etc. but this month I kept a list on my phone and when I thought of something I'd grab my phone and type it in and now I have a long list for all of you! :)

SO today my wonderful boy is 5 months old! I can't believe it, as usual :) He seems so much older sometimes, which I don't like, and is, definitely, much bigger than Evelyn was at this age, which makes him seem older too. He's SO active right now and wants to just soak everything in around him. He's still pretty nosy and just wants to watch everybody and get involved in everything. He's grabbing EVERYTHING he can get his hands on right now....the second you put something in range he makes a grab for it. And then of course it all goes right in his mouth :) He's still pretty chewy/slobbery but no teeth. He's discovered his toes lately too and those go in his mouth too :)

Andrew is such a little character and I love how happy and sweet he is. I LOVE his sweet little smile and LOVE when he laughs and just LOVE everything about him. :) He is starting to get a bit of separation anxiety...he notices when I leave the room/walk away from him and gets upset about it. Every Wednesday I go to the youth activity for my new calling at church and 95% of the time when I get him he's crying his eyes out. He definitely likes his Momma at bed time! :) He's funny when he falls asleep though. I likes to fall asleep with his head in the crook of your neck and slobbers all over and also tends to laugh as he's falling asleep, which is hilarious. You'll think he's finally out and then out comes a little giggle. So cute!

He doesn't quite like his crib but I think we found a solution to that. He does like to sleep on our bed and the guest bed but not his crib so I took the quilted padding thing we put on our guest bed and folded it up and put it under his sheet and now he's starting to like it. I guess he doesn't quite like the harder mattress :) He wasn't sleeping very well for most of the month....still waking up 2-4 times a night. But now that we've worked out the mattress thing he's been sleeping longer initially, which is great! He still wakes up 2 times, usually 2-3ish and 5ish and lately has been wanting to wake up at 6:30 and stay awake, which isn't fun....cuz then he falls back asleep after 30 minutes or so and that's when I get up so he's robbing me of my last half hour....luckily he's such a sweetie to wake up to! :)

His favorite blankie is the one Grammy made for him. He all of a sudden a month or so ago decided he won't take a binky allllll. Which is pretty frustrating sometimes! I'm glad he's not dependent on it but sometimes they are pretty handy :) He still fits in his infant car seat but is SO heavy that I switched it out for the big one now, which he seems to like better! I think he likes being up higher and being able to see outside more and can see Evelyn more too. He's starting to sit up better too but can't sit all by himself quite yet. He moves around too much to sit by himself :)

He's starting to move more though...he still hasn't rolled over from back to front but is SUPER close but he is starting to scoot back and around when he's lying on the floor. He also moves around in a circle when he's in his exersaucer and plays with all the toys on it.

He's starting to eat more baby food....mostly bananas so far cuz I always have those on hand and haven't bought much baby food yet but so far is pretty excited about it! When he's really hungry/really likes what I'm feeding him, he gets upset between bites and cries til he gets the next bite :) He's still mainly nursing though but the past few days, when he's done nursing and still awake, he's started to "bite" me...which, holy cow! that hurts! Hopefully he gets over that quick! :)

So yeah! There's my list! :) And here's some pics with some more about the boy! :)

I put this comparison up awhile cute!!! :) It's funny how similar they look but at the same time not...I think it's mainly the hair :)

Yummy feet!

Month 1-5! :)

Some more pics I snapped today...

He loves to do this....He's always trying to get up and does these little sit ups

tummy time!

He really wanted my camera while we were doing this :)

SO cute!

Blowing bubbles! That's another thing he's learned to do and does it ALL the time! :)

His hair was getting pretty crazy on the sides so I had my friend Gwyn trim them's the before....
and after...although this wasn't a very good after looks so much better though! Next we are trimming the top! :)

First time in a high chair! 

Happy new year! :)

I LOVE these legs!!!!!!!!! nothing better than chubby baby legs!

Gwyn put a play wig on him :) He wasn't too happy :)

First time on a swing! He LOVED it! 

sweet little cheeks! :)

Now that he's not in his infant seat he has to sit in the cart so I made him a cart cover :)

before we "padded" his crib mattress...napping on the guest bed! :)
And there's the end! :) I'm gonna try and do a post soon that's not a monthly update on him and has more of Evelyn in it :) I have a few projects I've done and also a photo shoot idea to do of my boy, although it's more Valentine's-ish so I might do it later. :) anyway, love you all!


Annie-Savor This Moment said...

His crunches are totally you when you were a baby. You were such a pain to change! He's adorable!

Mom Erwin said...

Andrew is growing up so fast and has more personality in every picture. Give him and Evelyn a hug from Great Grandma too.