Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Elizabeth {9 months}

Another month gone! Sweet little Lizzie is now 9 months old! She is growing so fast!!! I just want her to stay little :( but sleep better :) haha! Not long after my last post she reverted back to her normal sleeping habits...of waking up multiple times a night, at most 2-3 hour stretches on a good night, every hour on a bad night...ugh...I'm so tired of it! Nothing seems to be helping either :( So for Christmas let's all just pray she starts sleeping for me! That's all I want! :)

Anyway- during the day she's such a sweet little angel! She's so curious right now and I love watching her explore her little world. I love watching her curious/observant little eyes...she takes everything in and is learning so quick! She plays really well on her own but loves to play with the kids too. She's not afraid to push Andrew around (not really on purpose of course but she does hit on him, which he's more than tough enough to take! He is still a little rough on her though, working on that :/ ). She's consistently pulling herself up to standing position now and loves to play at the play table with the other kids, which is super cute. She still has a hard time getting down though without falling.

Elizabeth is eating a lot more solid foods now but still refuses 99% of the time to let us spoon feed her anything. Recently we gave her a little taste of whipped topping off a dessert and she'll allow us to feed her that but that's about it :) She LOVED that stuff though! She got so mad at us when it was gone :) She's a bit stubborn but still better even-tempered than Evelyn so hopefully she stays that way :)

She's been "talking" a lot more, which is super adorable. I love listening to her babble on while she's playing. She's seriously just the cutest thing ever! She's got these bright, happy eyes and I love looking over at her and seeing them light up and a big smile on her face. She's got some vicious little nails though and loves to claw and pinch your face or neck...that's not so much fun ;)

Once again I don't know her weight/height/anything... :) She's a big little girl though! She's fitting into 12-18 month clothes now and some of the 12 months aren't gonna last past this week I think! She's a solid little thing (not as solid as Andrew thank goodness but definitely more solid than Evelyn!) and I think she's gonna be a little shorter than Evelyn. She seems to have a long torso but her legs aren't quite as long as Evelyn's were. And she's got a lot more chunk on them! Her legs are so cute :) Mark laughs at me for thinking her little bum and chunky thighs are cute, but hey...they are so whatever :)

Elizabeth's biggest adventure this month was getting to have daddy home for Thanksgiving (her first Thanksgiving too!) and then we went to DisneyWorld for a week! It was a lot of fun and I'm so glad we did it but I'll save all the details on that for it's own post.

waiting for sister to come home!

trying out some avocado!

just being silly :)

clawing me...look at her dig those in! 

happy little eyes!

we were SO HAPPY to have daddy home with us for a couple weeks!

serious moment ;)

Thanksgiving dinner!

I love this look...what mom? This is fun!

little stinker...

naptime with daddy! they're so cute

she went with me to a wedding in Florida too. Such a good little girl!

Riding a ride at Disney...She looks so big/old here!!!

this is how she spent most of the Disney trip :) 

yummy whipped topping!

how CUTE are these pigtails btw??? 

Love this kid!

more naps :)

she loved the pool too!

more whipped topping :) this is when she got mad at us

aren't these tights adorable??? 

sweet sleeping princess!

1 comment:

Mom Erwin said...

I hope your little princess is sleeping better. Ruth's little Logan who just turned 1 has kept her up a lot too. He did better when they moved him recently into his own room - who knew that would help?? Thank you for your Christmas card - you are so good to keep us informed and we love these great grandchildren - have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. Great Grandma and Grandpa Erwin