Monday, July 21, 2008

Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes.

Mark and I's first home is a small one-bedroom apartment pretty close to campus, which is convenient, except for the massive hill I have to climb, which means stairs, and my knees just do not go well with stairs (you know I mean G-ma Rose.... :) But I don't have to deal with that til fall so I just won't think about it for now. Anyway, it may be small but it works for us since it's only the two of us. It's furnished, which was nice since we don't have anything yet, and don't have the $ to buy everything :) Yay for being poor, married college students! That's the life right there. No but really, life is pretty great.
So our apartment has three main areas: the living area/kitchen, bathroom area, and the bedroom. I like it a lot cuz the kitchen and living are open to each other so it doesn't seem so small and it has tons of counter space (for my lovely KitchenAid mixer to be displayed, which is the most important thing right? :) :) The kitchen has lots of cupboard space too which is nice. Mark and I have a lot of fun cooking together and trying out new things with all our new cookbooks we got from the wedding. We've found some really, really good stuff, and the great thing is they are all simple and easy! I love simple and easy recipes :) They're usually the best tasting anyway!

I've also had some fun decorating the apartment too. It's kinda fun to have your own place where you can do whatever you want! Although my new place doesn't let you paint like my old one so I'm kinda of disappointed on that account cuz (as all my sisters know) I do enjoying my painting and have done my fair share of it in the past years :) I can't wait to have my own actual house one day and kids and be able to paint cute things in their rooms. Course I'm going to have the help of my hubby who I hear is quite the artist but have yet to see any of his work so I'm waiting on that. He said he'd make something to hang up in our apartment (I'm currently working on a painting since I've had so much free time but I'll do more on that another day, when it's done).

The next part of the apartment is the bathroom and vanity area which has a nice large closet with cubby holes and hanging space/vacuum space. We bought a new vacuum cuz the one that came with the apartment doesn't work at all. Is it weird to be excited about a brand new vacuum? Well I don't care if it is cuz I really like and it's pretty! :) (bagless too! gotta love those...).

Last of all is our bedroom, which is decent sized with two closets, where I have on display my Ikea storage/organizing stuff where I put all my clothes. The first time Mark saw my closet he almost freaked out cuz of all the stuff I have compared to him. I had to tell him that this was pretty good for a girl (it really is, you should see how much clothing my old roomie has! holy crap that girl has a lot of clothes....). I told him that in my place I had to keep all my winter clothes in tubs and switch them out when the seasons change but in my new closet I have every piece of clothing I own so I thought I was doing pretty good being able to fit everything plus extra bedding in my closet. He's just shocked cuz guys have so little clothing compared to girls and don't understand the need for all the different things we have. So naive... :) Funny boy. Keeps me laughing and entertained though!


Annie-Savor This Moment said...

So Cute! That was my old striped slipcover; looks nice with the denim. Are you going to call after your interview?

And HaHa, I'm holding Tannie on my lap right now!

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

I love your blog. It is so cute! You're apartment looks good too. Did you have fun on your cruise? Guess what? I don't know if someone told you this but Tannie can say Dada! She's so cute.


Whitney said...

If you can believe it, I'm actually getting rid of quite a few clothes... and some other stuff, too...

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

The guy with the fish is Uncle Jeff, Myra's husband! They had a great time out here, and Grandpa finally got to go fishing.

Am said...

What the.. Whit's getting rid of some of her clothes? & not all girls have that much stuff, I mean, do you ever remember seeing _my_ part of the closet? But I probably don't count for a girl; I'm just Amanda...

Ramona said...

Very cute. Much better job decorating than I have. But then, there's no point in decorating a place you'll be in for two months.

Anywho, very nice! I like it a lot!

Tara said...

First of all- Annie and Nat- you guys need to stop braggin about the babies all the time!!! SO Not fair! Very rude and unnecessary :) Second- that does not look like Uncle Jeff! Or what I remember him as. Oh well...

Second- Whit, even if you do get rid of clothes I don't think you'll be able to tell... :) But good for you! I'm proud? :) I'm about as shocked as AM is!

thirdly- Monie- I wouldn't decorate much if I was staying somewhere for only a couple months either. I just did some more though, which I'll put up later but it's way cute!