Monday, October 27, 2008

"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live." Flora Whittemore

So Mark has decided to apply for the Navy. He wants to join their Civil Engineering Corp and we both think it will be a great opportunity for him. He would be involved in a lot of building and overseeing on naval bases and would gain a lot of experience in his career field by doing that. He would have to go through officer training in Vermont after he finished school here at BYU and then we could go pretty much anywhere! That is if he gets in...but he has started the application process and today he is going up to the UofU for an interview...eek! I'm going to go up there with him and wander around the career fair or something while he goes to his interview. (The guy is coming to the career fair there which is why Mark's doing the interview there). SO yeah...we're both pretty excited and nervous about it but hopefully all goes well! It'll definitely be a big change/event in our lives if he gets in...that's for sure!!! I'll let you know how it goes though! Oh and sorry about no pictures yet of the new place...we finally just got new internet at our apt and I'm still not done with everything, everything. I do love it though! So much better than our last place!!! I'm very happy with it. :) Anyway- yeah...I'll be back soon!

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