Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Everyday, you make me smile. Everyday, you make me glad to be a mother."

Here's a few pictures from the past week just to show you that I haven't disappeared or anything. It's just been a chill week, just been taking care of Evelyn, going through stuff/throwing away stuff, and starting to pack! Just 2 weeks of classes left, then finals and Mark will be DONE with college (well with his bachelor's anyway)! And only 23 days til we leave Utah!!!

(who wouldn't LOVE to wake up to this sweet, smiling face every morning? I'm so lucky! :)

(already practicing some boxing skills to keep the boys away or so her daddy hopes and wishes... :)

(After bath time, she's liking her baths now thank goodness!)

(She's also been liking the love sac lately, takes some good naps in it!)

(Chillin' with daddy)

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