I've been hopin' and prayin' all year that American Crafts would have their scrapbook warehouse sale again before I leave and it came true! I got an email the other day saying it would open today and I was SOOO excited! I went today of course (I don't want to go next week when it's snowing :) and it was just marvelous. They seriously have the best deals! I got double what I got last year and it was sooo worth it. And it's all different stuff too! Well except for some alphabet stickers, I got some that I've run out of. I got soooo many alphabets though! Probably 50 or 50 or so. I love them!
Alphabets are so cute and I run out of them so fast so I stocked up this time. I also got lots of new cute paper. That's pretty much all I need to scrapbook really...cute paper and cute alphabets! I am branching out though and trying new things and my scrapbooks are just getting better and better and cuter and cuter!
I can't wait to start doing pages for Evelyn's scrapbook. I haven't done anything at all yet and probably won't until I get to Missouri...which is coming up SOOOOO quick!!!! We're hopefully leaving on the 16th, the morning of the 17th at the very latest, so just 12 days-ish! I've packed up half the house already, most of the stuff now is just stuff we are using, plus I need to go out and get more boxes and such. So far the weather has been pretty good...extremely cold but no snow yet! I'm hoping it holds off some more or at least only snows a little before we leave. I do not want to drive in the snow! I hate it.
I really can't wait til that drive is over!!!!! Darling little Evie absolutely HATES the car, she seriously just screams and cries and nothing we do can calm her down, just have to let her cry it out til she falls asleep most of the time. So that should be loads of fun! She has been doing so well though lately (at home anyway). She's been sleeping great and during the day is just so adorable. I love talking to her and watching her face light up with a big smile, it's heart melting! She's also starting to laugh but isn't quite there yet...she kinda does this thing that sounds like a cough/hiccup/almost a laugh...it's pretty darn cute.
Let's see...I guess the only other thing to talk about is Mark! His last day of class is next Thursday and then finals and then he's done! SO close! It's so exciting. I'm so proud of him though! He's been taking classes pretty much straight since last fall, maybe Summer term, I can't remember...but anywho, it's a lot of classes going straight through! He's done so well- his grades are great, his GPA is pretty darn good and he's graduating! Yay! He's not actually going to walk or anything though cuz BYU doesn't have a graduation walk in December, you have to walk in April and he'll be graduating from the NAVY OCS program then. He doesn't care about walking for college though, not a big deal!
He has gotten his official "orders" from the Navy though saying that he has to be in Rhode Island by January 3rd to start OCS on the 4th. Originally he was going to leave at the end of January but they told us last week that they moved him up to fill up this class. So we are pretty bummed out that he is leaving earlier but it just means he comes back earlier! It's going to be a long 12/13 weeks though! I'm just so glad I'll be in MO with my fam.
Speaking of my fam...today is my niece Santana's second birthday!!! I can't believe she's already two! I remember going home for Christmas/Monie's wedding and little Tani was only a couple weeks old and so tiny and adorable! She's still adorable and very funny, I get funny stories about her and her brothers almost every time I call home! Anywho, Happy Birthday Tani!
(Sorry no pics this time, I do have some but my delightful landlord moved and decided to turn off our internet without telling us and won't answer her phone to talk to us!!! So frustrating! So right now we are relying on wireless internet with very little signal so it's very slow. Needless to say I am not happy with our landlord right now! Boy I am so ready to get out of Utah!!!)