Thursday, July 8, 2010

"A child's smile is one of life's greatest blessings."

My baby is now 9 months old! Can you believe that?? Today I took her in for her nine month check up. She now weighs 20 lbs 8 oz and is 29 1/2 in. long (which last month she measure that two so one of these two is probably wrong but I don't know which). I can't believe how big she is getting though! She's learning so much and is everywhere now. She crawls and she climbs and she stands and is now walking along furniture....and you all know what's coming next! I'm just hopin' and prayin' that she waits to learn how to walk til we get to Mississippi!

I've been trying to think of some new things she's been doing (that I haven't already mentioned) but today has been a long, tiring day and my mind is just blah...and the main reason for this is Evelyn's been cranky and waking up a lot more cuz she's teething! She has two teeth that have broken through, both on the top and both off to the side. One is showing a lot more and is SO cute when she smiles real big.

(See it on the right...well her left side... :)

Here's some pics from the past month.

She loves her Disney princess phone! And she likes wearing this headband but doesn't like wearing her regular ones...

She's been holding up stuff to her ear like she's talking on the phone, so cute!

She's started "blinking" her eyes real slow, it's kinda funny

I've been finding her in the funniest positions when she's sleeping! She stayed in this one for like 20 minutes.

She LOVES to be outside!

Her mouth gets so wide sometimes

Couldn't decide what to wear :)

Evelyn and her daddy on Father's Day! We went to the park and BBQ'd some yummy steak.

Standing up by the couch


Annie-Savor This Moment said...

She's so stinkin' cute, I can hardly stand it. I'm missing my Ebbers!

Mom Erwin said...

Give our sweet great grandbaby a hug from us. She gets cuter with every picture. It is hot here in St. George - I "envy" you the California weather and the ocean!