Evelyn has been advancing in her walking skills quite a bit lately. She's been pulling herself up and walking along furniture forever and right after we got to Mississippi she started walking while holding our hand or pushing something. I got her this nifty little toy to push that she can also ride and use as a wagon, I love it! So with the help of this toy especially she's gotten really steady in walking with help. Then a couple weeks ago she started standing on her own and after that she learned how to stand up without any help. So we've been waiting and waiting for her to up and walk cuz she's been soooo close for soooo long.
Riding her new toy...she's learned to push herself if she sits down...she started off just using one foot to push which was sooo funny but is now doing both. She's such a quick learner! SOOO observant too. She sees me do something just once and she'll try to copy. Smart girl!
This weekend is the LDS semi-annual General Conference so this morning we were sitting and listening to the talks and music. Evelyn looooves the music by the way. She likes to direct it whenever she sees the conductor waving his hand...so cute! Reminds me of her Grammy :) Anywho, so she's been enjoying the musical part but so far either sleeps or plays during the talks. During one talk she was standing there and I had something she wanted to she almost took a step so I tried it again and bam! Baby walking! Luckily I had my camera right by Mark so he grabbed it and did a little video, which UNFORTUNATELY I still am unable to put video on my blog!!!! ARGH! I've tried more than one computer, more than one browser and nothing. So frustrating. And Facebook isn't letting me load it either so you'll all just have to wait :)
1 comment:
Awesome! Such a big girl! :)
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