Boy did this weekend go by quick! Seems like we were just getting ready for everybody to get here and now they are all gone! Luckily we had a great weekend, got loooots of pics (of course), and had a ton of fun!
Ok so after hanging out with Amy for most of Friday, the Michael Erwin fam showed up prevening (that's a new word courtesy of my new favorite show, The Big Bang Theory :) We had a YUMMY dinner at one of our favorite local spots, Tony's Brick Oven Pizzeria...Seriously SO Good! Saturday we hung out, went to the outlets for some seriously good deals on baby clothes for Jessica (I got some summer dresses for Evelyn too), then headed over to the church, which was conveniently located on the parade route that day!
We sat in the shade and chilled til it started and had a good ol' time when it did! Mardi Gras Parades (family oriented ones that is....) are the ones to go to! Every single float is throwing out beads, candy, coupons, toys, etc....SO much more fun than regular parades. The kids had SO much fun and we got SOOOOOO many strings of Mardi Gras beads!!! I counted them when we got home and we got TWO HUNDRED strings! SO crazy!
After the parade, we took a potty break and then headed down to the beach! Isabella and Jacob were asking alllll day long to go to the beach and were SOOOO excited when we got there! They had SUCH a blast, Evelyn too! She loved playing with her big cousins and LOVED playing in the water! She hasn't tried to go in the water the other times we've gone but seeing the big kids go, she just had to follow and wouldn't come out! Isabella was so ecstatic to be at the beach and was just thrilled to be there and play. She was looking forward to it the most out of everything this weekend!
That night we had another deliciously yummy dinner from a place called Darwell's Cafe which has delicious BBQ and other things. They've been featured on Food Network's Diner's, Drive-in's, and Dives and totally deserved it! They are a great little joint, very quaint and quirky and delicious! Then we played games and that was the end of Saturday.
Sunday we went to church, ate lunch, and pretty much just hung out at our house/area for the rest of the day. The kids/dads played at the park for awhile while we girls hung out, then a bit of quiet/movie time, then dinner (enchiladas, which are always yummy and always a hit), followed by a quick little try at making beignets (I wanted to take them to a local place that makes them but unfortunately they only make them on weekdays :( ), and THEN had some DQ ice cream cake for my b-day! Overall pretty great day. Michael and Jessica had to leave Sunday night cuz of some stuff that came up that they had to do Monday but we were REALLY glad they came even just for a couple days! It was so great to have everyone together. The three siblings, and the rest of us, haven't all been together since Amy's wedding! Long time ago. :)
Anywho....the Michael Erwin's left Sunday and then Amy left prevening on Monday so we got to spend most of the day with her again which was great. A stop at the fabric store and lunch at Chick-Fil-A made for a pretty decent day! :) We pretty much didn't do anything after everybody was gone, and today is gonna be the same since it's my b-day :) but tomorrow it's time to get workin'! I only have around 20 days til Mark leaves and then I leave!!!!!! I can't believe it and don't really want to think about it just yet but I have so much to do to prepare so I can't help but think of it...I just hope these next 9 months with him gone will go by as quick as these past 9 ones have! Anywho....really not gonna think about it today...time to chill on the couch with my baby and watch Dora and then maybe go on a walk in this people Mississippi weather we've been having!!! Have a great day!
What a fun weekend! It was good to see all the pictures. You mentioned baby clothes for Jessica - is this an announcement of a coming event (or just shopping for baby showers, etc.?) I glad you could all get together.
Is there such a word as prevening?
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