Friday, February 18, 2011

"I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."

Life has been getting busier and busier this past week and won't stop for the next four at least! Needless to say I'm a bit behind on my blogging and don't know when I'll catch up...So while I have a minute this morning I thought I'd do a post.

I've thought of a few more things about Evelyn I'd like to share. She's learned to say poopie and says it while shes' pooing, after she's pooed, and when she farts (or someone else farts)...pretty funny. She's also been loving to hide lately...she'll go stand in corners and wait for you to come "find" her, she'll hide under things, she'll hide behind the clothes in my closet, and best of all she'll go in the bathroom or laundry room, even when it's dark, shut the door, and just stand there until you come "find" cracks me up! For such an active thing it's funny to see her stand completely still, just waiting...sometimes I see how long she'll stay in one spot...I swear she stayed hiding in my closet one day for like 10 minutes. Such a fun age! Oh, another thing she's learned is to buckle her straps in the high chair all by herself! She's been trying forever, she loves putting things together, and she finally snapped them in the right way this week. So now she just wants to climb in her chair all day and buckle them...Oh, another thing! While I'm getting ready or trying on clothes, she likes to say cuuuute, or pretty...nice little boost of self-esteem :)

I think that's all I had on Evelyn for now...let's see....what else can I catch up on....Mark's parents came to visit this past weekend. We went out to eat a couple times, went to the beach, played some games, and watched Evelyn do her thing....which is always entertaining. It was a nice, chill weekend, and great to see them before Mark leaves for deployment! I know they enjoyed coming down. Mark's sister and brother and fam are coming this weekend (Amy is here but upstairs sleeping still.....lazy girl :), and Michael and Jessica are coming down today. We're excited to see them and spend time with them! I just hope this fog disappears soon cuz I promised them all sunshine and warmth! :) here's some pics from last weekend though! Amy's awake now so my blogging time is done! :)

Dead jellyfish on the beach, gross but intriguing!

A real jellyfish in the water

Walkin' on the beach!

Evelyn's neverending quest to find birds... :)

Dennis looking out at the islands

Watchin' for Jellyfish

Super cuteness!

(She loves her daddy!)

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