Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Small Missouri home fills with people as they congratulate the new couple and eat cake!

We had to leave Nauvoo somewhat earlyish Saturday morning so we could make it back to Missouri for the reception that night. As I mentioned in the previous post, it was quite an entertaining ride and very fun. When we got home it was go go go to get ready and have everything finished before people got there. My sister started on my hair right away and then I got dressed for family pictures before getting dressed again in my wedding dress. This was the first time in YEARS that we've had a family picture with everybody there so it was a pretty big event...plus there's a lot more people to put in it now and much harder to do! It was great though, I was SO happy and grateful to have everyone there for one of the biggest and happiest events of my life. I was glad that both Mark's siblings, his parents, and his Aunt/Uncle/Cousin could all make it out too! I had so much family there and so many friends I felt kind of bad that there weren't many people there for him that he knew so I was glad they all could make it out.
It was a lot of fun with so many people there...our new house was really great for such a big event too! I LOVE my parents new house...it was so nice to have to fit everybody for the reception, it was perfect! I'm so glad that I got to have it there. It made things so much nicer! Or so I thought. My mom decorated it all up with old fashioned wedding pictures everywhere along with wedding/marriage/love quotes next to them. She also had lots of red and yellow (my colors) throughout for the tables and the flowers and everything else. Oh and of course she had pics of Mark and I too. She did amazing job though! She's so creative...she doesn't think she is but anyone who's seen her house or some of the stuff she's done/made in there would say much different. Her house is so cute...it looks like an antique shop almost with all the stuff she has! The only questionable item in the house was this "antique" rhino she found and put on the main island where all the food was and she even "decorated" it by putting a veil on it for the occasion....she thought it was cute, I thought it was...interesting...but hey! That's just my mom and I love her and she's so GREAT and I love everything she does.

Anyway- back to the reception. It was pretty casual. We had lots of food so people came and ate and talked and that was pretty much it! I was so happy to see so many of my friends there! I didn't have much time in Missouri so if they didn't come to the reception I didn't get to see them so I was glad to see those that did come. It was a lot of fun though...I had fun introducing my new husband to everyone and especially showing off my dress :) I wasn't going to really wear it ever again after that so why not?

Well we kinda didn't really do much of the usual wedding things...mostly cuz I kinda forgot and by the time I remembered most of the guests had left except my fam. So we didn't do the whole garter thing or throwing the bouquet...pretty much the only we did was cutting the cake and I think that kinda made up for forgetting everything else cuz it was pretty good. First of all we didn't really know what we were doing so we just stood there for a bit looking retarded. Then we just decided to cut it...who cares how well we did it. Then we both took some...pretty big chunks too....that was my #1 mistake. I pretty well knew he wasn't going to be nice about it so I threatened him beforehand that he could do whatever he wanted as long as it didn't get on my dress...and he did. I was kinda trying to judge by what he did of what I would do so he got me good and I tried to get him back but ended up throwing my chunk all the way to a different table. So that was pretty funny and everyone was laughing. Then someone was like, "hey you got some on her nose, why don't you get it off?" And this is where I made my second mistake...so he went in to give me a kiss and kinda get some of the cake off my face and I believed he was going to be nice now but no...he just went in again and smushed even more all over my cheek. He thought he was so clever! It was really funny though and my sister Annie so nicely video taped it for us, although I still have yet to see it.....hint, hint Annie... :)

The rest of the evening was spent with the fam talking, eating more cake, opening presents, and then sitting out on the porch, enjoying the wonderful thunderstorm passing by! It was a pretty awesome and a perfect way to end the day. :)


Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Your last sentence was cut off! So even though I was there, I don't know how your day ended. And, not that I'm trying to edit your post or anything, your title should be "fills with". Cute post! Too bad your sisters are all so chubby. But it makes you look especially svelt!

Tara said...

Where does it cut off at? well thanks for the editing...I miss things sometimes :) and I svelt? what does that mean?

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Now it's just fine, not cutting off. Maybe it was my screen? Svelt=slim + trim

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Have you seen it? Monie's got a blog now, too!