Monday, November 17, 2008

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. -Bernard Meltzer-

First of all I'm sorry for taking so long in putting up a new post! Some of my friends say they have a hard time keeping up (I really don't do them too often, maybe once a week sometimes or whatever), but then I'm sure there are others that say I need to do more... I guess I just can't please everybody!!!

This has been a great week for meeting up with good friends for me. First, on Wednesday, Whit and I went up to SLC to pick up our friend Amanda from the airport. We met her here at BYU but she's taking this semester off so she's been at home in CA and decided to come visit for the weekend. We had a good time though together that night, we went to "The Pie" in SLC up by the University of Utah, which was pretty darn good pizza. It was a little more scandalous than our campus' pizza place though (which is called "The Brick Oven" and is way yummy), being by the UofU and all :) It was kinda funny though cuz right when we were getting up to leave some drunk guy came over and started hitting on was the highlight of my evening. :) The pizza was pretty good though, although probably not the absolute best I've ever had...still trying to find that one.... :) Other than that we just had a fun time talking and's always interesting being with those two cuz the most random things will come up, especially with Amanda, she is the most random person I've ever met in my life and I love it.. She's awesome.

The other great friend I saw this weekend was my friend Shauna. We've known each other since our first year at Girl's Camp when we were 12 years old...a LONG time ago it seems. :) I didn't like her much at first for some reason but the next year we were in the same group and became good friends. We didn't see each other too much though cuz we lived 50 miles apart and then after high school we lost touch a bit which was sad. But then I found out she was up at college in Logan and I FiNaLlY found her on Facebook and ever since it's been great! Mostly she comes to visit me down here (I'm a slacker friend and have never visited her up in Logan...sorry!) but she has lots of friends down here and this area is just funner than Logan. :) Anyway, she stays with me mostly and we have lots of fun whenever she visits. We have our traditional things we like to do, like we always end up going out to eat and our main place is Red Robin, although sometimes when we're feeling wealthy or something we head over to Outback Steakhouse, but usually it's Red Robin- towering stack of onion rings, big burgers, and Mile high mud pie! Yum!!! It's great...
So this time Shauna came down Friday night and we did end up going to Red Robin but just for desert. She mainly came down cuz Saturday night there was a concert she wanted to go to up in SLC with her favorite band, Ingram Hill. I thought she was going to go with a friend of ours but she got sick so she was going to end up going by herself, which of course I couldn't let her go up there by herself and this just gave me a real excuse for not doing homework :) I really need to work on that...anyway, the concert was in a really small little place, there wasn't more than 35 people there so it was kinda laid back and relaxed which was kinda fun. The band, Ingram Hill, was pretty darn good...I've heard of them before but never really listened to them but I really liked there music. They're a little band from Tennessee and are starting to get a bit more popular now. I'm actually listening to there new cd right now as I'm typing this :) But yeah, we got there a little late so we only got to listen to them for an hour or so but afterwards we got to meet them and Shauna bought their new CD and poster and had them sign it and then she had her pic taken with the lead singer, shown below :)

She was so excited to go though and I'm glad I got to go with her. I've been getting a little restless with my music selection lately so this new stuff was exactly what I needed to spice it up. I love music and constantly have it on at home or work or in between classes, I don't know what I'd do without music. It's kind of ironically funny because I had little distraction noises around me but I also hate dead silence, I have to have music on or something to cover that or it drives me crazy. I really have a ton of music too so I shouldn't be tired of it but sometimes you just need something new. While we were there though, they sang a song that they said they were going to put on there upcoming album, called "Hey Girl" which was such a good song!!! Shauna got a bit of it on video and I tried all night to upload it on to here but it didn't work...lame!!! Oh well I guess...

It's really good song though and I'm quickly becoming a big fan of these guys. The lead singer was really good and really nice. It's so nice to see musicians who appreciate there fans and everything, I think sometimes that famous people get too cocky and stuck up and treat there fans badly when they should do the entire opposite and be grateful for those fans. Actors/musicians, etc aren't anything without their fans...they couldn't get anywhere without them so they should show that appreciation a little more I think. :) Me and Shauna talked about this while we were driving home so I just thought I'd share that little tirade with you.
Well I think that pretty much sums everything up. Overall I had a pretty great weekend, although not very productive schoolwise AT ALL! Oops! Oh well...I'll deal with that all tomorrow....I'm just excited for this week to get over because the week after is Thanksgiving! I don't have class from this Friday until the next Tuesday after Thanksgiving...which equals a whole ELEVEN days without any classes, it's going to be fabulous! Don't worry though, I have plenty of papers and tests and such that I have to do in that time :( :( :( It will all be over soon though, thank goodness! I'm ready for this semester to be done already! Anyway, I really am done now...I promise I'll be back soon with pics of our new place! I promise I haven't forgotten about that...

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