Friday, June 26, 2009

"To become a father is not difficult, but to be a father is."

Sunday was technically Mark's first "Father's Day", and probably the easiest/quietest one he'll ever have! :) We spent the morning at church and then came home and started getting stuff ready for dinner. Mark wanted steak and since our landlord has a bbq out back, we decided to grill them up. Before we ate we lazed around watching mindless tv and Mark fell asleep. Then I gave him a homemade card and a present...The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which he said he's been wanting to read so I got it! :) He's pretty excited to start it, although it's pretty darn long! Anyway, we enjoyed a nice quiet afternoon together which was very nice.

For dinner we actually had our friends Emma and Gary over. We all grilled up our stuff, had potato salad, veggies, corn, and chips. It was very good. After that we spent a little while just chillin' and talkin'. It was so nice! Emma and Gary are so much fun.

So anyway...there's not much to say was a pretty chill day--very enjoyable and relaxing. Here's a couple pics of the excited Father-to-be! :) I can't wait to actually see him with the baby! I know he's going to do so great with her! :)

1 comment:

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Tell Mark that he's a little bit hammy in the pictures! HeeHee!