I thought this quote fitting since 1) this weekend was the 180th semi-annual General Conference for my church 2)this weekend was also Easter and this quote happens to be Elder Holland's Easter message at General Conference from April 2009. Elder Holland is probably my most favorite speaker out of all the Apostles. He has such a powerful spirit when he speaks and his talks are just truly amazing! One of his most powerful messages ever was given last November where he bore his testimony of the Book of Mormon (http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=77ee56627ab94210VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD). I know it was a lot of other people's favorite talks of his but I can't help but say it was mine as well. It's amazing to read but even more amazing to hear the actual audio clip from Conference.
Anywho, Conference this weekend was also amazing but I have to admit I was a bit more lax on actually listening this time cuz keeping track of an extremely wiggly, active child kinda ruins your focus/listening capabilities. :) Luckily she slept a good half of each session yesterday so I got to listen to a good bit of it.
Here's some pics of us "watching" conference....by the end sometimes it's just too hard not to fall asleep :)
Our Easter weekend actually kicked off on Friday though when my sister Annie and her kids and our friend Stephanie and her kids came over and dyed Easter eggs. It was fun to watch and help them and I even got to do some myself :)
Saturday we watched some of the morning session of Conference and then went up to our friends the McMains for a little Easter lunch and egg hunt for the kids. My best friend Sarah was home for the weekend and since I haven't seen her since Christmas I just had to go :) My friend Robin (she's married to Sarah's bro) was also there and I haven't seen her since even before Christmas so it was good to see her too and her adorable little girl, who was born on my birthday! :) Robin says I cursed her to have her baby on my b-day and had her at 11:45-ish pm after a very quick delivery.....oops! Sorry!
Anywho....Sunday went like this, Conference, lunch, Easter egg hunt, more Conference, more food, and then complete defeat of doing anything else cuz I was so full :) As always, the food was great. We skipped the usual ham and had BBQ'd half chickens that had been marinating for 24 hours in something delicious Annie did. It was deeeeeeeeeeelicous! Then there were cheesy potatoes, always a hit, rolls, my fav, and salads and jello and yummy peanut butter brownies and a yuuuummmmmy punch bowl cake my mom made. I tell ya, I'm sure gonna miss these Sunday Dinners when we leave!!!! I'll be back to phone duty on Sunday which definitely isn't the same!
The Easter egg hunt was pretty fun. The kids were bugging us through lunch to hurry up so they could go do it. We had 9 kids, with four big kid helpers, and 240 eggs, I counted them myself :) We got a bunch and then Mellisa brought some and then Annie brought some and then Emily brought some and we ended up with 240! That's a loooot of candy! So, anywho...the kids had fun and it was fun watching them and especially great to sit out on the porch and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather we had. It's been so nice and warm and green, but also very very windy but I can handle that as long as it's warm. :)
That night was especially awesome cuz we had an AMAZING thunder/lightening storm pass through. It was one of the best I've seen in a LONG time and I loved it! Mark was laughing at me but I don't care. It was so cool. I even played around with my camera trying to get some shots and did somewhat decent for such a little thing. I'd love an awesome camera to take pics of lightening and other fun stuff. :) Or at least learn more...I keep saying that but never do anything but one day I'll learn more.
So I think that's all I have for our Easter weekend! Enjoy ALL the pics! I love the kids matching outfits here!!! SOOOOO CUTE!
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