Friday, April 30, 2010

"We do not remember days, we remember moments."

Here's another accomplishment of my dear little Evelyn!!! She is now sitting up all by herself, unsupported (Well except in these pics she's sitting up with the help of a Boppy pillow but that's because I wasn't sitting right next to her and didn't want her to fall and bonk her head too hard). She's learned how to balance herself so she doesn't fall over right away and can sit there for a good while before she does lean over or fall. She loves to sit up and play now, she'd rather sit than be on her tummy, although she is getting better with that too. She rolls and rolls and rolls now, the other day I found her under the couch. I just can't believe how big she's getting to be though!!! She's learning so many things now and it's so much fun to watch her! She's so freaking cute!!!

(I absolutely LOVE waking up to this smiling face every morning!!! She is the sweetest, happiest thing and I love her soooo much!!!)

Another BIG accomplishment is with her "talking". She is QUITE the babbler and talks and talks and talks. She totally is trying to talk to us for real too, you can tell by the way she talks and the sounds she makes. :) Yesterday though she just up and started "dadadadadadadad"ing away! She's been make the "d" for a bit and is now saying 'dada' :) She even repeats it when I start saying it to her. She's so smart! :) I can't help but brag but she's my baby so I'm gonna do it!

Mark heard her doing it on the phone but is excited to come home and hear it in person. Which he's coming home Saturday morning and I"m SOOO excited!!! It was wonderful to get him back after OCS but then they had to up and take him away again so it'll be wonderful to get him back again! Then next week it's traveling time!!! We're certainly putting our new car to good use!

1 comment:

Strommer Family said...

Hey Girl, We're in the market for a new car as well and just wondered what you have and whatcha think about it....It was so great to talk to you (via computer comments ;) a few times a month or so to do it again!! ;)