Thursday, May 13, 2010

I can guarantee that you're gonna have a ball, learning how to do the watermelon crawl

Well this first pic is, as you can see, of Evelyn in a big tub! We'd been using Grammy's pantry sink in Missouri so now she gets to use a big tub and loves it! I just love this pic so I had to put it on here. :)

And on to the real reason for this post! No, Evelyn is not crawling yet, but she's getting on her knees now and is also scooting backwards on her tummy, which I've heard is another step towards SOON I should be putting up a post that she's crawling! I'm not sure if I'm too excited about this or not but luckily we're in a little tiny place so she can't go too far or get into too much (like at Grammy's house! :)

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