Thursday, December 8, 2011

"I'm so glad when daddy comes home, glad as I can be!"

As I've mentioned before, Evelyn has been LOVING having her daddy around and I loooove watching them! So cute and wonderful and sweet and funny! They are so's some pics from the last few weeks (I can't believe it's already been three weeks since he came home! Time really does fly by...), that I thought I would share with you!

helping Daddy cut out a snowflake

time to unfold!

yay! done! :)

Evelyn and Mark had lots of fun one night playing with bubbles!

She has had a slight obsession with bubbles this pic!

trying to eat one

more bubbles!

cutey cute!

this is just them playing on Evelyn's dry erase princess table, she loves it! I'm actually using it right now to put the laptop on to type this...pretty nifty little table!

playing Memory! Evelyn is actually pretty darn good at this game! Smarty pants! Mark taught her to  put her pointer finger on her cheek and go "hmmmm" when she's thinking of her next CUTE!

what mom?? we're playing here! :)

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