Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Gratitude is a mark of a noble soul and a refined character. We like to be around those who are grateful. They tend to brighten all around them. They make others feel better about themselves." -Joseph B. Wirthlin-

This Thanksgiving was a pretty mild on for us. We spent the week hanging out together, enjoying having Mark back. So for Thanksgiving we had a nice dinner and invited our friend Chelsea and her two cute kiddos over to enjoy it with us. Her hubby is in Afghanistan so we were happy to have her over with us! Then after dinner the Evans came over and had dessert with us. So mild, but fun! I hate being away from the fam on holidays but am super glad to have such amazing friends to be around when family can't. :) I've been very lucky to find some wonderful friends here and am grateful for all they do for me! I am also very grateful for my family even when they are far away. I miss all of you, from Cali to Utah to Missouri to Alabama/Georgia, on up to Canada and more! :)

And of course I am ridiculously grateful for the wonderful, amazing, awesome husband that I have. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for him and how much I love him! He does so much for Evelyn and I and I appreciate all the hard work and willingness to do the things he does to provide for us. He's an amazing father and I absolutely LOVE watching him with Evelyn. They have so much fun together and she just adores him. I'm so glad he's home, a big part just to see them together, she definitely needs her daddy around!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you all found lots of things to be grateful for! I have had a very grateful holiday this year and look forward to the rest of the holiday season! :)

Oh, and here's a couple pics of course :) Although these are the only pics I took on Thanksgiving! I was too busy cooking and then hanging out with my friends/Mark/Evelyn. But I had to take a pic of my beautiful turkey, just for proof that I actually did it :) and then dessert is always the prettiest! Cherry cream pie and Pumpkin Cheesecake! YUM! :)

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