Friday, October 16, 2009

"You can’t imagine your life with kids, until you have them, then you can’t imagine your life without them."

Eveyln is home! That's the best news for today. :) The doc had to see her this morning, then she had to have her hearing checked, and then we were free! No more NICU! We got home at noon and have had a pretty relaxed day. Mark had an appointment for his varicose vein (he went in two weeks ago to have it taken care of). Today was a follow up to make sure everything was taken care of, he had to have a couple veins fixed but all should be better now. He's so excited to finally have it gone! So today has been a pretty great day for all of us! Now it's time for bed for me, Evelyn will be up soon and she'll be hungry!

(So happy to be in her own clothes and to be on her way home!)

(First time in a car seat!)

(First car ride!)

(She's such a smiley little thing! Soooo cute!)

(Chillin' at home in the Boppy)

(Sponge bath with Grammy! She didn't really like this, but she was also hungry.)

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